The more I peruse the offerings of Christian book sellers, the more I think I must be a pretty poor student of the Bible. Case in point from Thomas Nelson...
God's Promises for the American Patriot
A new wave of American patriots and their fervor for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are reminiscent to that of over 200 years ago. In response, God's Promises® for the American Patriot combines historical facts about our forefathers with promises from God's Word, giving a powerful look at the importance of Biblical values and how they affect the fabric of our constitution. It's both inspiring and educational and is sure to fuel the passion of many Christian patriots across the globe.
I have read the Bible. The whole thing, even the kind of boring parts in the Old Testament and all of that who begat who stuff. I don't recall any talk of patriotism and I am quite sure I don't remember America being mentioned. At all. So help me out here. Without me having to buy the book can someone tell me just what God has promised the "America Patriot"?
(I especially like that the phrase God's Promises is copyrighted! I also like that one of the authors in named Jack Countryman!)
I haven't read this book either, and I'm sure I never will. I have read the Bible through cover to cover...many times. You're right, there is NOTHING in there about the American people, much less those who are patriots. Sorry. The promises of God apply to the American people in the same sense that they apply to any other nation's people. God's conditions are the same for all of humanity equally.
American Evangelicalism at its best!
The only thing I can think of is if the "patriot" is a Christian, Jesus did promise that he would have tribulation in this world. I haven't read the book (and won't), but I'd be willing to bet that is not in there.
This patriotic/Christian attitude is very common, look at Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck, both love to mix the two together and their followers love it. I find it disturbing, and unbalanced.
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