Thursday, June 17, 2010


I am really struggling to even get out of the gate with The Jesus Manifesto. I am trying to read it but it just is not capturing my attention at all and I am not even done with the first chapter.

What I have read thus far in the intro and first chapter can be described as fluffy. Lots of random, disjointed thoughts and quotes strung together doesn't make for good reading.

I am going to try to read more of it this weekend when I can focus on it because I feel obligated to read it since I got a review copy but it hasn't been promising so far. I am hoping that the later chapters get meatier and less rah-rah. I will admit that if it doesn't get better soon I am going to set it aside and focus on a different book. The only upside is that it is easy reading so I should be able to blow through it given a little time.

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