Wimpy girlie men
Is it any wonder that men, even many Christian men, find so many churches distasteful?
Is it any wonder that men, even many Christian men, find so many churches distasteful?
Certainly a Christian will be blessed by and seek out opportunity to join in fellowship and teaching of the Word. However, merely walking into a building that says: “Church” on it is no guarantee that will happen. This is not a call for church to be more "relevant" but to be more faithful. When you go into many a church, what you are treated to is a feel-good message about a wimpy God who just wants you to love Him. What is not presented is an accurate picture of the mighty God of the Bible or His Son who exemplifies not being a push over, the kid getting sand kicked in his face at the beach by the bully Pharisees, but rather exemplifies what men should aspire to: humility, conviction, strength, sacrifice. Jesus was not a macho braggart but He also was not someone who lacked a spine. He was God and showed and continues to show mercy to those who deserve wrath, and patience until that day when He is revealed to all people for who He is.
I am certainly not the first person to raise this issue, much ink has been spilled and furious typing has taken place on blogs that have already captured the generally effeminate atmosphere of many churches, even evangelical churches. This isn’t reserved for Episcopalian or United Methodist churches where women and even open homosexuals are ordained. Show me a moderately conservative Baptist church without strong male leadership from elders, and I will show you a church where faithful women have taken over most of the de facto rule of the church. That is not an indictment of most women, although there are some that chafe under submitting to male leadership. They are simply filling in the gap where the men should stand. It is the men of the church who stand accused, both for not leading today and for failing to set expectations for leadership to younger generations of men. Having male leadership in the church isn’t fulfilled with a male in the pulpit for a 20 minute sappy sermon.
Young men growing up in the last decade in average evangelical churches were raised in situations where Sunday school, song worship, activities, leadership all were held by women. The men they did hear from were probably were only pastors and the watered down message they preached displayed a simpering god that begged people to like him enough to worship him, instead of the Almighty God, the Creator and Judge who made all things and will set things aright when He sends His Son to gather His sheep and judge the nations. There is not much to admire for young men in the hippie Jesus of postmodern America. The Jesus portrayed in many a pulpit is not someone I would want my boys to emulate, much less worship.
Biblical manhood, real Biblical manhood not beating drums in the woods, is desperately needed in church today. John MacArthur on Grace To You Wednesday morning spoke of the admirable qualities of men from a Biblical perspective, and what you saw lots of was strength, fortitude, courage, character. Notably absent was anything about being sensitive. Being loving and sensitive are certainly traits men should exhibit, but not at the expense or in place of decidedly male traits. What Dr. MacArthur also pointed out is that being masculine in the Biblical sense does not mean false bravado or faux aggressive chest thumping. The men I know who I admire are not those who are the great athletes but the men who care for their family, who have a sense of duty towards their family that reflects their love towards them.
I clearly have failed for the most part in this role as a father, both in demonstrating to my sons how to love their wives as Christ loves the church and also by failing to show by example the type of men my daughters should seek out for their husbands. That is something that I have repented of and am seeking to rectify in my life and in my sacred calling as head of my household. Children are a blessing from the Lord and they deserve to be blessed by their father as well. The greatest blessings a child can receive from their father is to see him loving his wife and to see him worshipping his God.
Certainly a Christian will be blessed by and seek out opportunity to join in fellowship and teaching of the Word. However, merely walking into a building that says: “Church” on it is no guarantee that will happen. This is not a call for church to be more "relevant" but to be more faithful. When you go into many a church, what you are treated to is a feel-good message about a wimpy God who just wants you to love Him. What is not presented is an accurate picture of the mighty God of the Bible or His Son who exemplifies not being a push over, the kid getting sand kicked in his face at the beach by the bully Pharisees, but rather exemplifies what men should aspire to: humility, conviction, strength, sacrifice. Jesus was not a macho braggart but He also was not someone who lacked a spine. He was God and showed and continues to show mercy to those who deserve wrath, and patience until that day when He is revealed to all people for who He is.
I am certainly not the first person to raise this issue, much ink has been spilled and furious typing has taken place on blogs that have already captured the generally effeminate atmosphere of many churches, even evangelical churches. This isn’t reserved for Episcopalian or United Methodist churches where women and even open homosexuals are ordained. Show me a moderately conservative Baptist church without strong male leadership from elders, and I will show you a church where faithful women have taken over most of the de facto rule of the church. That is not an indictment of most women, although there are some that chafe under submitting to male leadership. They are simply filling in the gap where the men should stand. It is the men of the church who stand accused, both for not leading today and for failing to set expectations for leadership to younger generations of men. Having male leadership in the church isn’t fulfilled with a male in the pulpit for a 20 minute sappy sermon.
Young men growing up in the last decade in average evangelical churches were raised in situations where Sunday school, song worship, activities, leadership all were held by women. The men they did hear from were probably were only pastors and the watered down message they preached displayed a simpering god that begged people to like him enough to worship him, instead of the Almighty God, the Creator and Judge who made all things and will set things aright when He sends His Son to gather His sheep and judge the nations. There is not much to admire for young men in the hippie Jesus of postmodern America. The Jesus portrayed in many a pulpit is not someone I would want my boys to emulate, much less worship.
Biblical manhood, real Biblical manhood not beating drums in the woods, is desperately needed in church today. John MacArthur on Grace To You Wednesday morning spoke of the admirable qualities of men from a Biblical perspective, and what you saw lots of was strength, fortitude, courage, character. Notably absent was anything about being sensitive. Being loving and sensitive are certainly traits men should exhibit, but not at the expense or in place of decidedly male traits. What Dr. MacArthur also pointed out is that being masculine in the Biblical sense does not mean false bravado or faux aggressive chest thumping. The men I know who I admire are not those who are the great athletes but the men who care for their family, who have a sense of duty towards their family that reflects their love towards them.
I clearly have failed for the most part in this role as a father, both in demonstrating to my sons how to love their wives as Christ loves the church and also by failing to show by example the type of men my daughters should seek out for their husbands. That is something that I have repented of and am seeking to rectify in my life and in my sacred calling as head of my household. Children are a blessing from the Lord and they deserve to be blessed by their father as well. The greatest blessings a child can receive from their father is to see him loving his wife and to see him worshipping his God.
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