Monday, January 29, 2007

The story of the dying man who was helped to get his dying wish of losing his virginity with the assitance of a church-run hospice has gotten plenty of press.

Wallis had hoped to form a relationship through which to experience sex, but it
just never happened. "I had hoped to form a relationship when I went to
university, but it didn't happen. I had to recognize that if was to experience
sex I would have to pay for it out of my savings. My mind was made up before I
discussed it with anyone else," Wallis said. "I found an advert from a sex
worker in a magazine for the disabled," Wallis said. "The initial contact was by
email and then by phone."

First, he hoped to develop a relationship though which to experience sex. Perhaps like a marriage? Or just an intro, handshake and exchange of names?

So he paid for a prostitute to fulfill his dying wish and this was OK with the hospice people? Good thing he didn't have child molestation or killing another person as his dying wish....

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