Wednesday, May 05, 2004

More on the Swift Boat Vets from National Review online by Kate O'Beirne.

I am guessing we will hear very little of this from the "mainstream" media, but it is starting to make serous waves amongst conservatives. These guys are the real face of Vietnam vets, guys who served their country and then came home to resume their normal lives. How often have you heard mention of how short a time Kerry spent in Vietnam? Was he there for year after year? No. In reality, he was there a little over 4 months...

>>>Rear Admiral (Ret.) Roy Hoffman, the chairman of the group, bluntly stated that the John Kerry who served in his command is unfit to command himself. He states that after four months and 12 days, with his "specious medals secure," Kerry "bugged out of Vietnam." As far as the admiral is concerned, "the real band of brothers are those who honorably and reliably stayed the course."<<<

Granted, 4 months in Vietnam is a long time to get shot at, and I wouldn't want to do it but these guys stuck around when Johnnie headed home to lie about his fellow vets. These guys served with Kerry and not a one of them saw the atrocities he accused them of, on the word of a man who is a proven liar.

Kery served his country in Vietnam for 4 1/2 months, and our thanks go to him and every veteran. His conduct after the war to the present day has been shameful, and 4 1/2 months in Nam don't give you a free pass for the last 35 years.

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