Desiring God published an article a while back titled Your Bible Is a Gold Mine. The article itself wasn't all that great but the title is
perfect. The Bible is indeed like a gold mine but the ore we gather is infinitely
more precious than mere gold. It is the recorded oracles of God, proclaimed and
preserved for His people so that even 2000 years later we have access to what
Jesus and the apostles taught. As we dig deeper the vein of ore is never
exhausted but indeed grows richer with each strike of the shovel, a treasure that
can never be exhausted because therein is the Son of God revealed. It is not
like we can figure out everything useful the Bible has to say in 20 minutes and
then find ourselves looking around saying "Now what?". In fact the
opposite is true. There are few more valid signs that someone is serious about the
Bible than someone who recognizes how little they truly understand about it.
One overlooked aspect of the Bible is that it is the great
corrective to the ancient and erroneous systems of sacramentalism and
clericalism. Via the system of sacraments, controlled by the clergy and valid
only when administered by them, the average Christian is enslaved to the
religious system. The only way they can access God, or so they are led to
believe, is by first coming hat in hand to the clergy who can grant or revoke
access to God by denying the sacraments. The Bible shows that people can know
the mind of God in the words He preserved, gaining wisdom and access that would
otherwise be denied them by those how desire power over others. How odd then that so many who are the most vocal in
opposing the clergy-laity divide are also the quickest to diminish the most
accessible tool in overcoming that false and ungodly division. To read some of
them on social media you would think that the Bible is something dangerous that
should be kept away from the people, rather than the catalyst for the
Reformation and the advent of the Anabaptists.
What is the motivation behind those who disparage the Bible,
set aside the Bible or discourage people from reading it too much? The most oft
referenced reasons have to do with making an idol of the Bible and reading the Bible
to the detriment of other spiritual disciplines. There is some truth in some cases
to that, especially the most unhinged King James Only advocates, but in general
it is a strawman. I think there is more at play here.

The church is in an era where we need every resource we can
lay our hands on and yet some want to disarm the church. A one sided
theological armistice might make for fewer uncomfortable conversations but it
also makes for a weak and unarmed church in a time when that amounts to
Don't put a cover over the source of the revelation of God
and then declare yourself wealthy and wise. Setting the Bible aside is not a
sign of spiritual maturity, it is the precise opposite. If you want to take a
stand against clericalism, control and authoritarianism, encourage your fellow
believer to take to heart the words that marked Augustine's conversion: Tolle
Lege, take up and read.
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