Monday, May 27, 2013

Repost: Freedom Doesn't Come At The End Of A Gun

I am reposting my annual Memorial Day post. This is a day when it is probably best for me to stay off of social media as it presents unique challenges to a Christians who abhors war and the blending of nationalism, civic religion and Christianity. Anyway, enjoy your day with your family and friends in whatever way you choose today!


Today is Memorial Day in the United Sates and as a people we are going to be remembering those who died fighting for America.

Let those of us who know and are known by Christ remember that our freedom was not won or preserved by those buried under a field of crosses in Normandy Cemetery in France, as noble and heroic as their sacrifice was. Our freedom was won on a single cross on Calvary. Our declaration of independence is not found on a parchment in Washington, D.C., it is in the words cried out by our Savior "It is finished!"

So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. (John 8:36)


Bean said...

And, let us pray for all who do not know Christ, that they may one day find their way to Him and be saved.


Aussie John said...


A good article relevant to yours and Eric's blogs re war.

Check it out:

Arthur Sido said...

Amen Bean

Thanks John, I will check it out!