Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Spurgeon on robes

I get a chuckle out of this every time I read it...

“Except a duck in pattens, no creature looks more stupid than a Dissenting preacher in a gown which is of no manner of use to him. I could laugh till I held my sides when I see our doctors in gowns and bands, puffed out with their silks, and touched up with their little bibs, for they put me so much in mind of our old turkey-cock when his temper is up, and he swells to his biggest. They must be weak folks indeed who want a man to dress like a woman before they can enjoy his sermon, and he who cannot preach without such milliner’s trumpery may be a man among geese, but he is a goose among men.”

—C.H. Spurgeon

Reproduced from Tony Reinke

(HT: Dave Black)

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Steve Martin said...

If a preacher wants to wear a suit and tie, polo shirt and look just like the culture, fine.

If a preacher wants to wear robes symbolizing service to others, and symbolizing Christ's covering of sin, fine.

But what really matters is what comes out of his mouth.

Will it be focused on you, and what you do...or will it be focused on Christ and what He has done, is doing, and will yet do?

Alan Knox said...

"What really matters is what comes out of his mouth?"

You're right... that's what matters in today's churches. But, that's not what truly matters according to Jesus.
