Sunday, July 13, 2008


At last I have finished David Wells masterpiece The Courage to be Protestant. It is not an easy read, but it is a clarion call for the church to recover her first love, Christ and His Word. Chapter and hard hitting chapter, Wells exposes what the church has abandoned and lost and why it is vital to recover it if we ever hope to have the church return to a place where God is glorified and Christ is exalted under the preaching and authority of His Word.

In his conclusion, Wells makes this great summary observation of where we are and where we need to be:

The church is not a business, not an experiment, not a product to be sold. It is an outpost of the kingdom, a sign of things to come in Christ's sovereign rule, which is now hidden but will be made open and public. Then all the world will bow before him in recognition of who he is.

Amen. I just pray that the church bows before Him now, instead of waiting until it is to late.

If you haven't read it yet, you simply must do so. It is one of the most important books of the church since Christianity and Liberalism, and like Machen's masterpiece it will be a work of great importance for many years to come.

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