I'm Back!
And I brought a bunch of books with me!
Back Home From Together for the Gospel
Still working on posting thoughts for the other speakers, but I made it home late last night after 2 jump starts of our rental car for a dead battery, a chance to "witness" to a police officer in Ohio who objected to my speed, a stop at BW-3 for wings for two of us and a bowl of custard for te guy who couldn't handle the wings. A stop in Vanderbilt, a stop in Indian River, dropped off the rental car and home around 12:30 AM. Very tired.
The final tally on free books, counting books given away in the cavernous book shop and the eight books at Band of Bloggers, was 25 (see the picture above). 25 books from the conference, all rock solid and many will be very helpful. My favorite, the one I am most looking forward to, is Pierced For Our Transgressions: Rediscovering the Glory of Penal Substitution. One of the main themes of T4G was recovering and defending the doctrine of penal substitutionary atonement and this is touted as the best recent defense of the doctrine. I was good and only bought one book, Commentary on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament, and I got a decent deal on it. The book room was so massive and has so many books that it was hard to shop effectively!
T4G 2010 is already scheduled for April 13-15, 2010. I am going to make hotel reservations as soon as they will allow so that I can get a room at the Galt House, which is attached to the Kentucky Convention Center, which will make it easier to get back and forth. Regardless, T4G 2010 is exactly two years away, and I already can't wait!
1 comment:
Hey Arthur, it was good to see you there even if it was only for a minute. I looked around for you after the discussion and during the conference but could not seem to see where you were.
I could not believe all the books that we got. It was amazing how many fairly new books we received. The price was definitely over the cost of the books. Great thoughts in all these posts. It was so deeply encouraging to see such a crowd of people and such godly men.
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