Saturday, April 12, 2008




Ben Stein has a new movie coming up, unlike really anything he has done before. The movie is called Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed and in it Stein exposes the sheer irrationality of the Darwinian dogma that insists that life happened randomly, that the facts are settled and no one who questions those facts

A great video has been circulating around the Internet, with R.C. Sproul interviewing Ben Stein, in all of his deadpan glory. The conversation is supremely intelligent and should set to rest the notion that we are all, as Stein says, "knuckle-dragging creationists".

Sproul and Stein ask the questions and raise the spectre that no one likes to deal with in academia or philosophy: if we are a random event, coming from nothingness and destined for nothingness, why bother getting up in the morning? Why not steal a car? Why not gas six million Jews? Who cares, it is all meaningless anyway. Creationism is not just a possible explanation, it really is the only logical explanation. Matter cannot spring into being from nothing. So there was supposedly a Big Bang. What came before that? Where did that matter come from?

I am looking forward to seeing this movie and seeing the predictable, frothing at the mouth, reaction of "academics" and "intellectuals" when it comes out. The movie opens in theaters this week (April 18th). Not up north in Michigan where we live now, but it is opening in theaters downstate where we will be living as of this weekend so I plan on attending for sure, perhaps with some friends we have made in the area. Check out the video, then check out the movie and then check out the reaction of evolutionist when their theories are shown to be logically untenable. Good times all around!

(In fine R.C. Sproul fashion, he barely lets Ben Stein speak! He may not quite the concept of how to interview someone normally involves letting them answer your questions)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isn't Sproul great! Stein keeps saying throughout the interview what great points Sproul brings up... I was laughing when I watched it.

The movie sounds interesting. Hopefully it brings up good discussion in the academic realm.