Most unnecessary headline of the year award
"Clinton Struggling With Her Likability Problem"
From Congressional Quarterly:
If the story of last week's polls was how tough a month March had been for Illinois Sen. Barack Obama, a headline in many of this week's polls is that New York Sen. Hillary Rodman Clinton suffers from a pronounced, if not entirely new, problem - she rubs a lot of people the wrong way.
Here's a collection of findings on this score from a range of polls:
- Obama bests Clinton among Democratic voters by margins of 15 percent to 20 percent on the traits of being "down to earth," "inspiring" and "honest," according to Pew. More Democrats think Clinton is "phony" and "hard to like" than they do about Obama.
Wow, they paid someone to research and write that. Hillary is not very likable? Who knew! Next up from CQ: Skunk spray smells bad. As a Republican, I would like nothing more than for Hillary to be the Democratic nominee. Obama is probably more liberal, but he is so darn inspirational and the media loves him. The normal leftist media bias would be in high gear getting him elected, and most Americans are too ignorant to bother finding out what he stands for or what he would do as President. All they care about is that he gives an uplifiting speech and seems nice. Who wants some crotchety old guy, albeit one with decades of service including military service, who talks about specific stuff when you can get some who makes you feel good about yourself. Obama is the Joel Osteen of politics and that is what scares me. Far better to have Hillary who nobody much likes, and McCain would beat pretty handily. At least it would be a substantive race between those two. Make Obama the nominee and this whole thing becomes as deep as a high school class President election.
"Clinton Struggling With Her Likability Problem"
From Congressional Quarterly:
If the story of last week's polls was how tough a month March had been for Illinois Sen. Barack Obama, a headline in many of this week's polls is that New York Sen. Hillary Rodman Clinton suffers from a pronounced, if not entirely new, problem - she rubs a lot of people the wrong way.
Here's a collection of findings on this score from a range of polls:
- Obama bests Clinton among Democratic voters by margins of 15 percent to 20 percent on the traits of being "down to earth," "inspiring" and "honest," according to Pew. More Democrats think Clinton is "phony" and "hard to like" than they do about Obama.
Wow, they paid someone to research and write that. Hillary is not very likable? Who knew! Next up from CQ: Skunk spray smells bad. As a Republican, I would like nothing more than for Hillary to be the Democratic nominee. Obama is probably more liberal, but he is so darn inspirational and the media loves him. The normal leftist media bias would be in high gear getting him elected, and most Americans are too ignorant to bother finding out what he stands for or what he would do as President. All they care about is that he gives an uplifiting speech and seems nice. Who wants some crotchety old guy, albeit one with decades of service including military service, who talks about specific stuff when you can get some who makes you feel good about yourself. Obama is the Joel Osteen of politics and that is what scares me. Far better to have Hillary who nobody much likes, and McCain would beat pretty handily. At least it would be a substantive race between those two. Make Obama the nominee and this whole thing becomes as deep as a high school class President election.
That is pretty funny... Every Republican would break open their piggy banks to prevent Hilary from becoming President.
I think may be a big factor behind support for Obama, knowing that Hillary is so disliked that she would rally the GOP to oppose her with ever fiber of our being. It is just hard to dislike Obama, despite how liberal he is.
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