More from Toledo
OK, after looking over my notes, I decided to do three general overviews of each position as presented by the speakers rather than nine postings on their individual talks. They covered too much stuff and a lot would get lost in the translation. I want to focus on the general points, merits and weaknesses of each position based on the information given by these particular speakers. I know that there is a lot more to each position than what we got in three 50 minute talks each, but I want to look at the merits of each based on the material given at the conference specifically. Then a final wrap-up, and some rest and recovery, and then start to look forward to Together for the Gospel!
Are you still pastoring Grace Baptist? (a question from Alanson) Thanks.
I am not, not since the end of October. We are attending Indian River Baptist.
What's the news on the job front?
It's looking like the job near Detroit is going to be the winner, my company is putting together the offer package as we speak (or type as the case may be)
Cool, now I will have a place to park my car when I fly out of detroit. Unless of course your 8 kids will ravage it like a herd of locusts while it sits in your yard?
That is entirely possible!
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