Tuesday, January 01, 2008

A sobering end of year message from the Pyromaniacs

So much of what passes for the Gospel today has not even a little Gospel truth in it. Dan Phillips over at Pyromaniacs has posted an incredibly sober, and sobering, reminder of both how fleeting life is and how vital the Gospel is in the lives of sinners.

This is the Gospel, this is what true wisdom in the fear of the Lord sounds like. This is what we should hear from preachers, not how to live our best life now, not how to use our worship to hold God ransom for material blessings, but this deadly serious message:

Whatever your pursuits and distractions over the past year, the reality is that you are a step away from a judgment that is absolute, final, inescapable, irrevocable, and incapable of appeal. Were you to die now, the ax would fall, and that would be that. Forever. You need to come to know God, now.

How God's people need to hear this message, not once in a while, but over and over again. It may not be culturally relevant, it may not have high entertainment value, it may not make people weep ecstatically, it may not be great for the offering plate but it is the one and only message that is absolutely vital. Men called by God to stand in the pulpit, never let an opportunity to proclaim this truth escape.

Good stuff, thank you Dan for this timely and timeless reminder.

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