Saturday, January 05, 2008

I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you. (Psalm 119:11 ESV)

What is missing in the church, in our homes, in our hearts today? Cultural relevance? Self-esteem? Material blessings. Nope. It is the Word of God. It's absence is making a mess of homes, families, the church and the world.

Our goal as a couple over the next year is to read together the entire Bible, reading aloud from our new ESV daily Bibles (got a great deal on them from Westminster Seminary's book store). I got about 85% through a one year Bible in '06 before petering out, so I am hopeful that the discipline of reading together will aid in making it all the way through, and then starting again next year. There are plenty of things we need to work on and pray about in our family and marriage, but none is more important than placing His Word in a position of honor and prominence in our home. If we are successful with that, then everything else is doable.

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