Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Little Pellston catches the eye of the Leftist elite!

In an article by Naomi Klein, the far Left, pseudo-intellectual magazine The Nation details in horrifying fashion the proposed new national response center for Sovereign Deed, a private sort of civil defense/insurance outfit, that is coming to Pellston, Michigan. For the average person in Pellston, and Emmet County in general, this is good news, because it is bringing decent paying jobs to an area that is in serious economic trouble.

You know you are in for a treat when the article starts of with this sort of commentary:

I used to worry that the United States was in the grip of extremists who sincerely believed that the Apocalypse was coming and that they and their friends would be airlifted to heavenly safety. I have since reconsidered. The country is indeed in the grip of extremists who are determined to act out the biblical climax--the saving of the chosen and the burning of the masses--but without any divine intervention.

There is not much room for any rational discussion after that intro! But a brief examination of Ms. Klein's body of work, one realizes that she is bent on cashing in on the Leftist hatred of all things that can be related to George Bush. Good for her, in a capitalist sort of way. She is actually kind of cute for a Leftist...

There is such an absolute, irrational fear of Christians among the Left. It has moved past disdain into outright, blind hatred which is ironic since their big claim is that Christians are the unthinking, narrow minded ones. Naomi Klein makes the Sovereign Deed mission sound like some sort of apocalyptic cult trying to bring about the Rapture, and then fails to connect the dots at all. Ms. Klein seems bound by the same formula her comrades on the Left are stuck in:

Possible terrorist attacks/natural disasters+a company founded by a guy with a military background+expensive dues for an expensive service= RIGHT WING CHRISTIAN CONSPIRACY!

Keep in mind that Pellston is hardly a bucolic paradise. The town is economically depressed, and there are really no reasons to live there except that housing is relatively cheap. The schools are, to put it kindly, horrible. Sovereign Deed could bring in jobs that are sorely needed in this area. True not everyone will be able to afford their services, but that is true of almost every business. Given the resources of Ms. Klein, perhaps she would like to start a business in Pellston that will pay decent wages and benefits and employ a few hundred people? Since she cares so much about the downtrodden in Emmet County, that only seems reasonable...

The way I figure it, if The Nation and Naomi Klein are against Sovereign Deed coming to Pellston, that is all the more reason to be for it!

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