Saturday, November 10, 2007

Good stuff on baptism!

Dr. James White of Alpha and Omega ministries and Dr. Gregg Strawbridge, author of The Case for Covenental Infant Baptism had an online debate, sort of a follow-up to the earlier debate between Dr. White and Bill Shisko. I have only listened to bits and pieces, but I am sure of two things: a) it will be very charitable, well-thought out and interesting and b) Dr. White will win because he is on the right side! I downloaded the mp3 for later review...

The audio is available to listen to or download for free by clicking here.


Unknown said...

It should be noted that the program was brought to the web via Covenant Radio ( Our thanks to Dr. White for making it avialable LIVE on November 8th.

Please visit Covenant Radio for more informational discussions and broadcasts.

Arthur Sido said...

Didn't know that, but the website looks very interesting!