Another nail in the coffin
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) has softened it's stance against homosexuality yet again. It has now gotten to the point of having absolutely no standards at all for personal holiness and Biblical submission. On Saturday, August 11th their annual assembly passed a resolution, 538-431, to encourage tolerance of homosexuals "pastors" living in sinful relationships with their partners.
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Homosexual Lutheran clergy who are in sexual relationships will be able to serve as pastors, the largest U.S. Lutheran body said on Saturday. ..The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) passed a resolution at its annual assembly urging bishops to refrain from disciplining pastors who are in "faithful committed same-gender relationships."
Openly homosexual "pastors" who live in sexually deviant relationships will now be openly and warmly accepted. Dwell on that. What do you suppose Luther would have thought of that?
But the real question, I suppose should be: Why not? Once they started down the road of selecting what Biblical standards they would accept, it was inevitable that this is where it ends up. The Bible very clearly lays out the parameters for the role of pastor. But once you start to abandon pieces of the Bible, it snowballs until the Bible is completely irrelevant. It often starts at the beginning, with an abandonment of the Biblical truth of creationism, and then drifts into the calling and ordaining of female pastors, and once you get to that point you start to abandon penal substitutionary atonement, the doctrine of eternal punishment, justification by faith alone, the inerrancy of the Bible, and before you know it the Bible is boiled down to a misinterpreted set of teachings from the Sermon on the Mount and John 3:16. The worst part is that the 4.3 million members of the ELCA have been so misled by their leadership that they have joined the ranks of churches where members are saved in spite of, not because of, their attendance.
(I think for once I beat Dr. Mohler on a news item!)
1 comment:
That is sad... We shall know God's people by their fruit... as will we know those who are not His
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