The Reformation that Luther in large part started, and that has continued throughout the centuries is not about "tolerance" or "acceptance". It is about a continual concern with and return to Biblical fidelity. The idea of an openly homosexual man (or woman) standing in a pulpit with their homosexual partner gazing on lovingly from the pews would be abhorrent to Luther.
Her final comment is an ominous one...
This was a compromise. And it was only a first step. But it was a loving step.
This is but the first step towards a goal of complete tolerance. The goal is not about minor steps but complete capitulation of the Bible to the whims and perversions of the day. This has never been about acceptance, but has always been about the submission of the Word of God to the sin of the day, remaking God into an idol of our own image. Churches like the ELCA frankly, and this sounds harsh but the truth often is, either need to repent of their sins or stop calling themselves Christian churches. I know I don't get to dictate who is or is not a Christian, but Christ does and the actions of the ELCA have put them directly at odds with the revealed Word of God and therefore against Christ Himself.
Ms. Rieselman's bio describes her as follows:
Debby Rieselman is a lifelong Lutheran, a member of Gloria Dei Lutheran Church in Crestview Hills, and a lay leader in many areas of her local church, as well as the synodical and national levels of Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
One would think that someone in a position of leadership such as hers would have a better grasp of the totality of the Biblical witness, rather than a mere sentimentalism that sees all sinners as inherently good and God as obligated to save them despite their rebellion and sin.
What would truly be a loving act would be for Lutherans to call homosexuals in their midst to Biblical repentance, calling on them to turn from their sinful lifestyle and "sin no more". But that might strike some as "intolerant"...
Pastor Sido,
Ms. Rieselman does not represent all the members of the ELCA. Please note that here ARE committed Christians in the ELCA, both members and pastors (one of whom is a member of my immediate family), who are faithful to Scripture. Please keep them in your prayers as they fight to get the denomination back from its current revisionist hierarchy and people like Ms. Rieselman.
We will indeed keep the faithful Christians in the ELCA in our prayers. I have the deepest respect for those who choose to stay in denominations that have strayed from the truth of God's Word. The expedient thing is to leave, it is much harder to stay and contend from within. It can be easy to cast stones from the Southern Baptist Convention, but we fought our own similar struggle. Stay fast to God's Word!
Thank you for your prayers and yuour comments, Pastor Sido!
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