Thursday, March 08, 2007

John Edwards for Theologian-in-Chief?

A recent interview came out, featuring John Edwards waxing poetic about how disappointed Jesus would be in America (this John Edwards ought not be confused with THE Johnathan Edwards, who really was a theologian). Apparently we don't spend enough on those in poverty.

"I think that Jesus would be disappointed in our ignoring the plight of those around us who are suffering and our focus on our own selfish short-term needs," Edwards told the site. "I think he would be appalled, actually."

Last time I checked, Edwards was a pretty wealthy guy, which is great, but one ought to be careful casting stones in glass houses, or pointing out the speck in your neighbors eye.

I guess former Senator Edwards forgot about the billions spent in the "War on Poverty" that has led to an increase, not a decrease, in poverty, and perpetuated a cycle of dependency and hopelessness. We do, and should, as a nation and especially in the church, so more to help our neighbors, but increased government spending never has and never will be the answer.

What is troubling about this is that Edwards, like so many others, seeks to speak for Jesus Christ when Jesus Christ has already spoken. Whenever anyone presumes to declare what Christ would think without a lick of Scripture presumes to much.

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