Tuesday, May 04, 2004

First, let me start by saying that the abuse of prisoners in Iraq by our troops, especially some females troops, is horrifying and a black eye on our military. We pride ourselves in being liberators, and rightfully so, but lack of oversight has led to this situation and I am confident that President Bush will take care of those who are responsible.

Having said that, Don Feder writes a column asking a question I have had since this came out. Where was the Islamic world, now brimming with feigned outrage, when Saddam Hussein was torturing prisoners, feeding them into shredders, his sons raping any woman that caught their eye? Where is the outrage over the prisons in Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Syria where prisoners are mistreated? Where was the outrage over the treatement of Jessica Lynch and other POWs by muslims? As Feder points out, in the Muslim world: "Lynch was an infidel Crusader and a defiler of the sacred sand of Islam, and – as such – probably had it coming, from the humane perspective of enlightened Arab opinion. (She was also out of burqa.)"

Mr. Feder goes on to detail but a few of the acts of Muslims, members of that "peaceful religion" throughout the world...

>>>machine-gun attacks on churchgoers in Pakistan, the anti-Christian jihad that’s resumed in Indonesia, genocide and slavery practiced by the Islamic regime in Sudan, the 2003 bombings of Istanbul synagogues, the recent spate of church burnings in Nigeria, the ongoing persecution of Iranian Jews by that nation’s mullah-ocracy, the orgy of destruction visited on Serbian churches and monasteries in Kosovo by Albanian Moslems, the deaths of over 100 in a 2002 attack by Chechen terrorists on a Moscow theater, the March 11 Madrid train bombing (death toll: more than 200) or the slaughter of more than 3,000 Americans in a single day by 19 airborne Saudis?<<<

Those who committed these acts should and will be punished. But the outrage of the Muslim world over these acts is the height of hypocrisy.

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