Tuesday, May 04, 2004


I can't stomach watching the NBA anymore. Growing up I loved the NBA, watched it religiously. I loved to hate the Bad Boys of Detroit, Isaiah and Rick Mahorn and Vinnie and Rodman and Laimbeer. I marvelled at Michael Jordan , who has no equal in past or present in terms of totally dominating another team, effortlessly taking over a game at will. Bird, Magic, Hakeem, Ewing. Those were the heyday of the NBA.

Alas, now we are in the age of high school kids starring and the NBA has suffered for it. Case in point: last night, the Pistons beat the New Jersey Nets 78-56. The Nets shot 27.1%!!! 27%! How horrible a game must that have been.

The arenas are empty, the quality of play is terrible, NCAA basketball is hemorraghing players left and right. Back in the day, the games sold out every night and David Stern was a genius. Now he looks lost, like Steve Fisher coaching Michigan's Fab Five and realizing he had utterly lost control of the situation. It makes me angry, I indeed "Loved this game!" but not anymore. Even the advent of LeBron has only tempered that a little, and one LeBron doesn't make up for Kobe and Latrell Sprewell and Alan Iverson.

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