Monday, March 29, 2004

Just when you thought you had heard it all...

Now the pledge of allegiance is a "hate crime"? (click here for article) What next?

When do people in this country wake up and see that America is evaporating right before our eyes? Do we want a Godless, totally secular state where personal rights trump every other issue, and only the Left gets to determine who and what gets rights? Even as we gain victories in Congress and state legislatures, and even with a godly man in the White House, we are losing ground more rapidly than we could imagine in the courts of our country every day.

The amazing thing is that by writing Under God into the Pledge, we were seeking to preserve our nation's heritage. It wasn't in there originally because it didn't need to be, that our nation was "Under God" was a given. It is only due to the onslaught of Communism that it became necessary to add the words into the pledge. I can't see the weak kneed Supreme Court able to resist throwing the pledge out. Scalia, Thomas and Rehnquist will no doubt be in favor but the rest of the court will belly up to the bar of political correctness and drink deeply, throwing aside the constitution in favor of a modern revisionist history of America.

They can take the pledge, but in my home America will always be "One Nation Under God".

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