Friday, November 06, 2015

A Free Book You Should Grab

As of this morning, Preston Sprinkle's book Fight is free for Kindle devices and the Kindle reading app. I absolutely loved Fight and wrote a review that you can check out here. One of the very best things about Preston is that he is a solid teacher on a variety of subjects, which is often not the case when you are talking about non-resistance. I wrote:
Unlike many modern advocates of non-violence, Sprinkle has a largely orthodox set of beliefs. He recognizes the reality of hell (he co-authored the book Erasing Hell with Francis Chan, see my review here) and speaks without apology of God's wrath. I fear that it is too easy to dismiss many writers as leftist cranks without genuine interaction with their concerns. Unfortunately a lot of the literature on non-violence is muddied by authors who subscribe to heterodox positions like open theism. This makes their argument convenient to dismiss out of hand. After all if someone can get those kinds of issues wrong why would anyone give credence to much more complex questions.
So if you are at all interested in this topic grab this e-book for free. You won't be disappointed!

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