Friday, January 31, 2014


I mentioned a while ago that I was writing a chapter for the community book project tentatively titled What We're For. My chapter will look at the idea of peacemaking, a topic that I am pretty passionate about even if I am not great at modeling myself.I just finally submitted my chapter (on the day it is due) and as with almost everything I write I feel disappointed in what I wrote. Hopefully others will find it helpful. I also have come realize just how hard it can be to write when under restrictions and with a deadline. I have new found respect for those who publish on a regular basis!

I am hopeful that this will be the first in many formal writing projects for me. I never expect and never intend to make a living or even a single dollar of profit but I do hope to take my thoughts to a broader audience. Anyway I will post more details as we get closer to the publication date in fall. Can't wait to read what everyone has has written!

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