Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Some Good Stuff

Nothing from me today but there were a few good links I wanted to point you to today.

The first is from Dan Edelen who is continuing his look at "radicalism" and today looks in a pretty piercing way at what it means (or is it even possible) to be "radical" in America: Radical For Jesus: What Does That Look Like In America? Pretty sobering and thought provoking, Dan raises a lot of issues that have bugged me for a while.

Also worth reading is a short interview by Ed Stetzer interviewing Andrew Jones of tallskinnykiwi fame. Ed's interview focuses on Andrew's life in itinerant ministry, the ministry model we see Paul living (in sharp contrast to the picture the church often paints of Paul). The interview is here: Itinerant Ministry: A Closer Look and while it is not something for everyone it certainly is a fascinating read.

Finally a new post from Alan Knox that is really a post about a series of posts from someone else but I liked it because it is always a joy to read someone else coming to the same conclusions regarding the church that many of us have come to as well. His post Defining and Describing Organic Church Life should generate some decent conversation so check it out!

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