Saturday, May 26, 2012

My honey is raising honey (bees)

Our Latest Project...

Our bees are indeed busy as....well busy as bees already. I have no idea when we would expect honey from them, this is kind of my wife's project along with the kids who helped her build the hives (we have another hive not place yet) and paint them. At some point I imagine we will have a base more attractive than cinder blocks but this works for now. I know nothing about bees but that hasn't stopped us from any of our other projects!


  1. Honeybees are awesome little critters! Very fascinating. I've got several hives, and if you ever have any questions or want to email me about them, feel free. jmureiko(at)gmail(dot)com.

  2. Thanks John, we will take you up on that because we have no idea what we are doing! Not that not knowing what we are doing has stopped us from doing anything in the past...

  3. Good for you all! We want bees!

