Monday, December 05, 2011

Marketing With Jesus

Will Rochow takes on the notion that we can "Christianize" something by adding the word "Christian" to something, in this case a "Christian" credit union: Christian Money?. Christian books, Christian music, Christian this and Christian that. Makes me wonder...

Should we be using the name of Jesus as a marketing tool?


  1. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Using the word "Christian" as an adjective (which it was never intended biblically), creates an "us" versus "them" mentality.

    I wrote about this last summer

  2. Another thought on this, not only do businesses use the word Christian to advertise and hopefully profit on, many individuals do the same thing. The claim, "I am a Christian" is put forth to sometimes justify rather outrageous behavior. Other times it is used as a defense, "I don't lie I am a Christian".
    It seems to me that a person or business is missing something key if they have to continually remind people that they are a Christian. How is a Christian cleaning business different to a cleaning business owned by a Christian who chooses not to use his faith as a marketing tool???
    If people and businesses conduct their affairs with integrity they will do well, just slapping a label on yourself seems a lazy way out.

  3. Bean, I completely agree. Our lives and the testimony they provide should be what identifies us as followers of Christ, not labels we attach to ourselves.
