Wednesday, September 14, 2011

That creaking sound you hear.... me being stretched! My (used) copy of John Yoder's The Politics of Jesus came today. I am looking forward to reading it once I finish Donald Kraybill's The Upside-Down Kingdom. I expect to find some very challenging stuff in Yoder's book and a lot of stuff I flat our disagree with. Vehemently.

In the interest of fairness, I am looking to get a used copy of Peter Leithart's Defending Constantine: The Twilight of an Empire and the Dawn of Christendom. It is a newer book that in large part directly takes on Yoder and other critics of Constantine and the resulting world of Christendom. I expect to find a lot of stuff I disagree with here as well but given the importance of the topic and my involvement in the Under Christ's Archy project I think these are worthwhile books. I expect to find a place between Yoder and Leithart, a solid middle ground but who knows, I might come down more strongly one way or the other. The important thing for me is to think critically, read widely and avoid only reading from a narrow point of view on the "big issues" in the church. I look forward to reading and sharing from these books.

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