Thursday, August 18, 2011

Says Who?!

Eric Carpenter put out an interesting post on Biblical interepretation, A Pilgrim's Progress: A Personal Preference Method of Biblical Interpretation.

As Eric says, we all to one extent or another tend to interpret certain parts of Scripture differently based on our own preferences or at least based on our own assumptions. I have a certain set of assumptions based on studying the Word and that impacts how I read the rest of the Word. We all do this. The question is how do we minimize this? I think this gets to the point of a post I wrote earlier this year, Toward a community hermeneutic. By adopting the Anabaptist method of a community hermeneutic and not restricting interpretation to the "experts" or the clergy, we provide a medium for interpretation that helps to claify what we are reading. Check out Eric's post, I think it is a helpful and honest admission of something we all struggle with.

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