Monday, July 04, 2011

A few more thought provoking posts on the 4th

First up, Alan Knox writing Red, White, and Blue… and Jesus, too. Alan thinks that perhaps we are too concerned in America about keeping our "rights" rather than setting those rights aside as a Gospel witness.

Then we have Eric Carpenter writing One American Christian's Thoughts on American Independence Day. I like what Eric wrote. Like Eric, my views on this have changed pretty dramatically over the last few years.

Finally we have Swanny with his post: Flags Are Everywhere! Nothing wrong with flags per se but when we adorn "churches" with them? That is a concern.

The common thread? All three men are Christians. None "hate" America. All appreciate the good things about America (and recognize the not so good) All are concerned that the church in America is far too cozy with its American identity. I am thankful that more and more people are starting to question this relationship we have created between being Americans and being Christians.

I can hear many people grousing now. Just leave it alone! It is a holiday! America is the greatest country on earth! If you don't like it here, leave! Etc, etc, etc. It wouldn't really matter how we see Independence Day except that patriotism (and its corollaries, nationalism and militarism) has taken such a hold on the church in America, a hold that allows too many church-goers to not see the very sharp distinction between the Kingdom of God and the land of the free and home of the brave. A hold that sees nothing wrong with displaying a flag amidst the gathering of God's people. A hold where the Way is perverted into a patriotic, militaristic faith that sees nothing wrong with killing others, even if they are other Christians, at the behest of the leaders of this nation.

I don't think Christians who love America or are patriotic are bad people or bad Christians. I do think that we need to ask hard questions, all the time, to make sure we haven't gone astray. When it comes to patriotism in the church, I think we have made a serious error. God loves His people no matter what country He chose to have them live in. He has no special feelings of love for unrepentant rebels, even ones who are religious and live in America. We need to make sure we never, ever forget that.


  1. Paul wrote about freedom in Christ... I don't see a linky to that.
    ; ) Be sure to stop by the blog. We sure have been busy! Making up for lost time, I guess.

    Let freedom ring,

  2. Hi Bethany,

    I saw that post too late to include but I will check it out!
