Monday, February 14, 2011

A powerful post

You simply must read: YOU Feed Them

Dan at Cerulean Sanctum has a powerful, prophetic call today calling out the church for our unfaithfulness in caring for one another. Here is a snippet to give you a flavor of it....

The truth is that God lives in you. He is always in you. Where you go, He is. You are the righteousness of God. Anything is possible because God is working through you.

There is NEVER a reason for a fellow believer to be in want. NEVER. If a local church contains people with plenty and people in want, there’s only one word for that church: Ichabod. The glory has departed.

This issue makes me angry. It makes me furious when the Church has been equipped, approved, and charged with the task by God, yet the people in the Church won’t do the work. They throw it back in God’s lap and ask Him to do the work for them instead. As I see it, that’s a complete dismissal of our identity in Christ and a rejection of the Holy Spirit in us.

When have you heard that in church? When have you ever been told that if you have plenty and a brother or sister in the congregatuon is in need, if you don't meet that need or work with the church to meet that need that you are sinning? You need to read this post, it is one of the most convicting I have read in a long time. How can we say we are following Christ and love the church while letting others in the Body of Christ go without while we enjoy our excess?

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