Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Over the counter morning after pills for 11 year old girls?

If you needed further evidence that there is no limit to the abortion industry’s drive to make money at the expense of our daughters, we find Teva Pharmaceuticals pushing the FDA to make the so-called “morning after” pill available over the counter to girls under 17. Read this and weep for our daughters:

Less than two years after the Food and Drug Administration approved Plan B, the so-called “morning after pill” for over-the-counter access by women 17 years of age and older, the drug’s maker is now seeking to lift the age restrictions on the controversial product.

Teva Pharmaceuticals, Plan B’s maker, submitted data from a study in which girls ages 11 to 16 used the drug to prove its effectiveness and safety. Girls under 17 currently need a doctor’s prescription to obtain the drug.

Safe for girls as young as 11? How exactly were they testing this? You have to show ID in our state to buy certain cough medications but now we are going to give 11 year old girls a “morning after” pill over the counter without so much as a doctor’s note? I wonder if their tests examined the long term impact on a pubescent girl of taking a super-charged, high dose of hormones. I am not a doctor but that sounds like a bad idea, especially if it happens on a regular basis. Maybe it won’t kill them the day they take it but what is the impact on an 11 year old of repeated doses of concentrated artificial hormones when she reaches adulthood? Wendy Wright of Concerned Women for America points out what should be obvious:

“In any case in which a minor girl would be seeking this drug, there needs to be an adult intervention,” said Wright. “There needs to be a doctor involved, who can find out if this girl is being abused.”

If a 12 year old girls is seeking emergency contraception, isn’t that something that an adult should be aware of, not least of all her parents? Moral issues aside, it is illegal in pretty much every state to engage in sexual activity with a girl that young because once upon a time we recognized that a 12 year old girl is incapable of making an informed decision regarding sexual behavior. That is why we don’t let them vote or drive. This pill is a dream come true for not just teen-aged boys but also sexual predators of all stripes not to mention a green light to engage in all sorts of risky sexual behavior with this pill as a backstop, you know just in case.

There are only two possible motivations for this. One is obviously money and like so many other industries (clothing, music, media entertainment) we see early sexualization of girls as a primary way of marketing to them. The other motivator is the drive to sexualize more children at a younger age, providing more consumers for the services of Planned Parenthood and their allies in the death industry. The message of having the Plan B “morning after” pill available without parental notice or doctor’s approval for anyone to buy over the counter is that teens and pre-teens should go right ahead and engage in sexual activity. No worries, if you get caught up in the moment and fail to use the free contraception provided by your friendly neighborhood school or Planned Parenthood clinic, you can go to Wal-Mart and buy a pill. No limits on age. No limits on how often you take them. It can easily become a de facto birth control pill for girls without the trouble and potential meddling by parents that comes with a doctor’s appointment. Teva Pharmaceuticals and groups like the Council for Reproductive Rights are clearly showing that their concern for profit and dogma trumps protecting our teen and pre-teen daughters.

11 year old girls shouldn’t have a plan A for sexual activity, much less a Plan B.

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