Monday, November 01, 2010

A quick thought on the sword

If it was not acceptable for followers of Christ to take up the sword to defend Jesus Christ, why would anyone think that it is acceptable for followers of Christ to take up the sword to defend a secular nation?


  1. Well the Bib....uh..>Constitution says so...

  2. Anonymous11:11 PM

    The most common answer (which I don't agree with) would probably be that Jesus' kingdom is spiritual, so defending him with a sword is inappropriate, but defending a secular kingdom with a sword makes perfect sense.

  3. God gave us governments to use swords to protect and serve justice against the violent.

    For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer.
    Rom. 13:4

    Seems very clear. Oh, maybe this only allows for swords and not guns...?

  4. Tim.

    Agreed. Does that mean that Christians should take up arms, to kill others, in service of a secular nation?

  5. "They are God's servants.." seems to indicate that your feelings about nations being secular is not accurate. This scripture applies to nations far more idolatrous and evil than ours.

  6. Jesus never indicated that a believing soldier should cease to be a soldier. He DID say that the soldier should not abuse his position and oppress people for his own gain.
    I believe it is entirely appropriate for Christians to bear arms for their country in a 'just war'. The issue is really - what exactly constitutes a 'just war'?

  7. Goblin

    Neither did he speak approvingly of them being soldiers. He did speak of being peacemakers and He did forbid His followers to take up arms to defend Him and Paul wrote that we should never seek to avenge ourselves or to return evil for evil. I think the only war that would qualify as a "just war" for a believers would be one God commanded and I don't see any war since the conquest of the land in the Old Testament that meets that criteria.
