Sunday, September 26, 2010

This should go without saying

but it needs to be said.

A starving child doesn't care if you are pre-, post- or amillenial.

The widow isn't really all that interested in congregational or Presbyterian forms of church government.

The fatherless child isn't going to reject food because the one offering it is an Arminian.

The Christian in a third world country without a Bible is not going to refuse one because it isn't the right version.

The lost person down the street doesn't need to hear about your denomination or how great your church is or what a wonderful preacher your pastor is, they need to hear about Jesus.

We spend so much time and money fussing and feuding about issues that are important but pale in comparison to what we have been called to do, proclaiming the Gospel and showing mercy as we have been shown mercy. Eternity will be spent with all sorts of believers. It will have arminians and Calvinists, people baptized as infants and adults, people of all denominations or none at all, people who read the King James Bible only and people who only knew the NIV. The one kind of person you won't find there is the one who never heard of Jesus because they starved to death as a child or never had a Christian come to their tribe or worse yet never heard about Him from the person living next door in their suburb. With thousands of people entering eternity without Christ today, where should we focus our time and money? On buildings, on programs, on arguments about theology? Or should we focus every penny on seeing that people who don't know Christ hear His name and His Gospel?

We are not called to be in the business of making Christians into better informed Christians, we are called to the business of taking the Gospel that saved us to those who need it.