Thursday, July 29, 2010

What is the foundation of our freedom?

I bought a snarky bumper sticker after the 2008 elections from an online retailer and have been on their mailing list ever since. I get lots of kookie stuff from them but nothing beats what I saw this morning. The ad this morning was touting a DVD with the clever title:

God, Guns and Gold: Foundations for Christian Freedom

Here is the description of this DVD from the retailer:

Few ideas have a more foundational place in our American heritage than those expressed in Jefferson’s phrase, “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.” Likewise, few people realize that the recognition of these “inalienable rights” grew directly out of the history of Christian legal and political thought. In this lecture, Joel McDurmon reveals the biblical and historical basis behind these Christian social values. He explains how the American founders and God’s Word alike expect freedom-loving people to exercise these rights practically and publicly. The security of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness requires a society founded on God, Guns, and Gold. These are the foundations of Christian society. The perfect gift for Dad!

Huh. Quick quiz for you:

Which one of those three items on the DVD cover doesn’t belong?

If you answered: The Bible, you are correct!

See I thought that the foundation for Christian freedom was the cross of Christ. I thought that people who were born again and free from sin were truly free, even if they aren’t Americans, don’t have any gold and don’t own a gun. My freedom as a Christian wasn’t won at the end of a gun barrel and is not dependent on the gold standard for U.S. currency. In fact even if I have all of my possessions taken away, lose my freedom and die a horrible death after imprisonment, I am still free because of what Christ has done on my behalf. I own a number of firearms, recognize and support the 2nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution as the law of the land protecting the American individual right to keep and bear arms and I likewise support a sound currency as part of a discipline fiscal policy. None of that makes me more or less free.

Guns don’t make Christians free, Christ makes Christians free.

1 comment:

  1. Arthur,

    Here's one comment to say "amen" to your first two posts today. I fully agree.

