Monday, December 28, 2009

Mid-Winter Home Educator’s Conference

There is going to be a home education conference coming to Grand Rapids in January, The Mid-Winter Home Educator's Conference. The conference runs two days, January 29th and 20th. Speakers are Sally Clarkson and Steve Demme. Looks like a good conference, I am not sure we can go because we would need sitters for the kids but I would encourage other homeschooling families in Michigan to check it out.

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1 comment:

  1. Debbie10:27 AM

    If you can make it work out, go! Steve Demme was a keynote speaker at one of our first INCH conventions, and he was excellent. His whole focus was on stregthening the family. As you might expect from the person who developed MathUSee, he also has tips for improving memory. (He taught the audience the Greek alphabet while waiting for people to get seated before a workshop. I still have the recording from that. Fun!)
