Friday, August 28, 2009

Doctrinal divisions Is there a place for Arminians in the pulpit?

My friend Josh is hosting another interesting discussion about divisions in the Body. It is kind of an internal discussion so far among brothers who are Reformed. It is interesting because what it comes down to is basically the same question I have wrestled with as have others: how do we live out what Scripture teaches regarding unity in a local body? I don't think many of us would deny the concept of unity, but boy is it hard sometimes to live that out in the "real world". Hop over to Josh's discussion and weigh in on this topic. I am convinced that unity in the Body is one of the most important issues we face and one we are doing generally a really poor job of handling. It certainly doesn't help that there are so many out there who make it their mission to draw lines in the sand in every possible way. I appreciate what Josh and others on this post have had to say, because it is honest and really seems to seek out unity instead of seeking out new and improved ways to divide ourselves.

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