Thursday, April 30, 2009

Together for the Gospel 2010

So I know it is a year away, but registration for Together for the Gospel 2010 opens tomorrow! Having learned my lesson from T4G ’08, I went ahead and reserved a hotel room at the Galt House hotel in Louisville this morning. Last time we stayed in a hotel several blocks away, which saved some money but made it hard to hoof back and forth when we got 2-5 books per session and yours truly ended up being the book Sherpa because I had a backpack for my laptop. The Galt House is very nice and is connected to the conference center by a walkway, so we will be able to go back and forth between sessions to check email and drop off the books we get or buy in the cavernous book hall.

There are not tons of details on the conference yet, but the title is The (Unadjusted) Gospel and the speaker line-up is the same as 2008: C.J. Mahaney, Albert Mohler, Ligon Duncan and Mark Dever, joined by John Piper, John MacArthur, R.C. Sproul and Thabiti Anyabwile.

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