Monday, March 23, 2009

The march of death continues unabated...

...walking in lockstep with the campaign to permanently remove the rights of parents to make decision for their children.

Judge orders FDA to let 17-year-olds use Plan B

NEW YORK – The Food and Drug Administration let politics cloud its judgment when it denied teenage girls over-the-counter access to the Plan B morning-after pill, a federal judge said Monday as he ordered the FDA to let 17-year-olds obtain the medication.

In a thorough denunciation of the Bush administration, U.S. District Judge Edward Korman blasted the FDA's handling of the issue, saying it had "repeatedly and unreasonably" delayed issuing a decision on the medication.

How does the "Plan B" pill NOT encourage promiscuity and endanger women? Not only is the "morning after pill" itself dangerous, but the knowledge that you can be as immoral as you like with a "back-up" just in case can only lead to more sexually risky behavior. There is no "Plan B" if you contract HIV. If that is not bad enough, we see another encroachment on parental rights. You can't vote in this country at age 17, rightfully so, but you can take an after-the-fact contraception. Over the counter. They can't buy cigarettes over the counter but they can buy a dangerous abortifacient. All brought to you by a judicial decree from yet another judge legislating from the bench.

This is what our future looks like, the government nanny state intruding on families at an ever earlier age. That is the stated object of the Obama administration with it's "Zero to Five" plan, universal preschool, etc. Parents don't know what to do with their own kids so the government will step in. Sexual issues are used as wedge issues, telling kids that their parents are trying to keep them from something that they have a Constitutional right to do and once they do engage in sexual activity, and inevitably get themselves in trouble, their sympathetic and cool Uncle Sam will come to the rescue with abortions during school hours with no parental notification or permission, and over the counter after the fact abortifacients. Who wants to listen to mean old parents when your cool Uncle Sam will not only let you do whatever you want, he encourages your basest desires?

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