Monday, February 23, 2009

Not so fast Young, Restless and (Not Truly) Reformed people!

DeYoung, Restless, and Reformed: Calvin Conference and Confessional Calvinists

Kevin DeYoung of University Reformed Church, the host of the Magnifying God conference, posted some very good closing thoughts from the conference. I really appreciated them and encourage you to check them out. Alas, news of this little conference reached California and so did Kevin's post. Apparently the use of the word "Reformed" in (Baptist) Colin Hansen's book, without the imprimatur of Dr. R. Scott Clark, has run the whole conference afoul of Dr. Clark and he has expressed his displeasure in a post here. I won't rehash my dealings with Dr. Clark, but you can read them here. Suffice it to say that I am a lot more in line with Kevin DeYoung's definition of Reformed than I am Dr. Clarks.

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