Friday, January 23, 2009

Magnifying God: The Legacy of John Calvin - East Lansing, MI Feb 20-21

Just in time for us moving in there is a pretty cool sounding conference that will be all of 3 ½ miles from our new home. The speakers should be good, somewhat different from some of the, ahem, older speakers you normally get at conferences…

Conference Speakers

Collin Hansen, Keynote Speaker

An editor at large for Christianity Today, Hansen is the author of the book, Young, Restless, Reformed: A Journalist’s Journey with the New Calvinists, which was published in March, 2008.

Adam Barr

A graduate of Hope College, Adam earned a ThM from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and did PhD work at Westminster Theological Seminary. Adam is currently a pastor at Corinth Reformed Church (Grand Rapids) and president of Borderlands.

Kevin DeYoung

A graduate of Hope College and Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, Kevin is the co-author of Why We're Not Emergent: By Two Guys Who Should Be and is the senior pastor of University Reformed Church (East Lansing).

Jason Helopoulos

A graduate of Eastern Illinois University, Jason earned a ThM in Historical Theology from Dallas Theological Seminary. Currently he is the founding pastor of Providence Presbyterian Church (East Lansing).

Doug Phillips

A graduate of Cedarville University and Grand Rapids Theological Seminary, Doug currently serves as executive pastor for ministries at South Church (Lansing).

The downside is that day two of the conference is my wedding anniversary, I am sure my wife won’t mind me going to a conference that day though…

Magnifying God: The Legacy of John Calvin - East Lansing, MI Feb 20-21

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