Friday, November 07, 2008

Happy Birthday!

Evangelist Billy Graham turns 90 today, and is in pretty poor health by all accounts. Much as I disagree with much of his theology, he has preached the Gospel to millions over his lifetime. He will be sorely missed when he passes. Few people have impacted religion like Billy Graham has.

When Paul Edwards bemoaned the seeming lack of new conservative Christian leaders today on his radio show today, saying that he didn't really see any out there, a caller said that he shouldn't try to see the next generation, but be the next generation. We need to get away from the rock star leader mentality and seek to be faithful wherever God has placed us. That may be in leadership in a church, or on a mission in a far away country or as a parent of little children right here in our community. We certainly need new leaders, but what we need most of all is faithful Christians who will proclaim, live and teach the Gospel.

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