Friday, October 10, 2008

The ACORN that grew into a mighty oak

A fraudulent oak that is.

Despite the attempts of the mainstream media to avoid linking Barack Obama with the fraud specialists of ACORN, more and more we are seeing that ACORN (the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now) is a prime example of what Barack Obama was doing as a "community organizer". ACORN is under investigation for multiple examples of outright voter fraud. Obama's apologists claim that he has little to do with ACORN, but National Review has documented his deep ties with ACORN...

ACORN’s voter-registration affiliate, Project Vote, was founded by leftist activist Sandy Newman. When Newman was looking to hire somebody to run Project Vote in Illinois, he turned to a local lawyer who had conducted training for ACORN: Barack Obama. Small world. (“He did one hell of a job,” Newman says. Undoubtedly.) ACORN’s political-action committee is supporting Obama, to nobody’s great surprise, and ACORN has hired Michelle Obama’s old Chicago law firm to help them out in a million-dollar embezzlement case. (National Review’s Stanley Kurtz documents the Obama-ACORN nexus here.) More significant, Obama represented ACORN in a lawsuit against Illinois, seeking to force the implementation of “motor voter” registrations, an initiative that has provided rich opportunity for voter-registration fraud. Senator Obama today disavows his connection to the leftist group in much the same way he describes his longtime associate and benefactor, the impenitent terrorist Bill Ayers, as “some guy who lived in my neighborhood.” Which is to say, he does so dishonestly.

After the 2000 election, the liberals mantra was to count every vote. I guess under Barack Obama and ACORN, the mantra is to count every liberal vote as many times as possible. He is from Chicago, where the Democratic machine believed in "Vote early, vote often". This is the sort of group that ACORN is, and the kind of people who are helping Obama "get out the vote":

ACORN’s Nevada offices were raided by federal law enforcement on Tuesday as part of a vote-fraud investigation. At least ten states have reported suspicions about ACORN’s new voters, who number at least three million since 2004. Among those the group was seeking to register to vote in Nevada were the starting lineup of the Dallas Cowboys. “Tony Romo is not registered to vote in the state of Nevada,” deadpanned Ross Miller, Nevada’s secretary of state. It is against the law to employ felons in voter-registration projects; ACORN seems to have employed at lest 59 of them, inmates on work release.

Unsurprisingly, the team of vote-canvassers assembled by ACORN for the benefit of Senator Obama — a gang one disgruntled felon/inmate/activist described as “lazy crackheads” — has produced some colorful results: 21 separate voter-registration applications were filed for a single voter in Miami; activists have attempted to register untold numbers of dead, underage, imprisoned, imaginary, or otherwise ineligible voters in swing states; in Indiana, signatures were forged on registration cards for names apparently pulled out of the phone book at random, and Indianapolis/Marion County’s registration now stands at 105 percent of the voting-age population; in Nevada, registrations for Cowboys’ star Terrell Owens and other would-be voters were filed from non-existent addresses, and there were no records of the existence of many of the people proffered as voters. In Albuquerque, at least 1,400 registration cards are in question. Missouri (53,500 new ACORN voters) and Ohio are finding forged signatures and registrations from non-existent addresses. These are not isolated cases; they run into several thousands already, and the investigations have only begun.

In July of 2007, five ACORN activists pleaded guilty to fraud in Washington state for submitting nearly 2,000 phony voter applications. ACORN’s new team has facilitated at least 40,000 new voter registrations in the state of Washington for this election. The Wall Street Journal reports that ACORN workers in Ohio were “given crack cocaine in exchange for fraudulent registrations that included underage voters, dead voters and pillars of the community named Mary Poppins, Dick Tracy and Jive Turkey.” The Republican party in Ohio is asking the state this year to cross-reference driver’s-license numbers on registrations against the state’s motor-vehicles database, so that any mismatches can be examined. They are making their case in federal court, but Ohio’s Democratic secretary of state is resisting. Democratic officeholders across the country deny there is a problem.

There is little to wonder about when you look at ACORN and Obama. He was one of them, worked with them and they are working on his behalf. I would expect to see challenges after the election that will make the 2000 election look like child's play. Rightly so. If Obama wins fair and square in spite of his leftist record and his inexperience, then he should be President. If he wins based on a ton of fraudulent voters, then he should not. Simple as that. The Left makes a huge deal out of people having to prove they are who they say they are when they vote. The idea of having to show ID before voting seems common sense, but not to the Left. The reason for that? Because they believe that they know better than the average American citizen, so if they win elections by fraud and deceit it is OK, because they are doing it for our own good. I mean, how can average Americans be trusted to vote? We don't trust them to educate their own kids or run their own businesses. Why even bother with the farce of an election in the first place? The Soviets had "elections" but the slate was chosen by the elite. We might as well do that here. Let the NEA, AFL-CIO and Harvard professors tell us who we can vote for so we don't damage our standing in the world.

Meanwhile McCain supporters are pleading with the candidate to take the gloves off and start talking honestly about Obama. There is so much to talk about, but McCain has seemed like he is taking the month of October off. Time to stop playing games and start telling the truth. The fear would be that speaking honestly about Obama would be seen as "negative". Well duh! It is negative because that is the truth of his record. It isn't like McCain is leading in the polls so what does he have to lose? The truth is that Obama is a creation of the media, an empty suit who is supported by groups like ACORN and domestic terrorists like Bill Ayers. He will tax and spend this nation into further economic ruin. He has no plan for Iraq, no plan for Iran, no plan for China, no plan for North Korea. Yet he will probably be our next President because people have placed self-interest over the nation, and because the fine folks at ACORN will ensure that every crack addict, convicted felon and dead person in America casts a vote for Obama.

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