Monday, August 18, 2008

This just in: God is still good!

I get caught up often with feeling that everything is going wrong, that the ills of the world and the struggles of the church are overwhelming. It can be seductive to get caught up in fault finding and get down on the whole thing. There are days when I wish Christ would just come back and rescue me from all the garbage we have to deal with every day.


God is still good

He is still faithful

His people are still redeemed

His Word is still true

His Son is still victorious

Satan is still defeated

Christ is going to come and like a cleansing fire set all things aright in the world. Until that day we still struggle but compared to the glory to come our struggles, our frustrations, our pain in this world are as nothing. We must keep our eye on the cross and keep perspective and let the sovereign Lord be sovereign.


  1. arthur,

    when you say satan is defeated what do you mean?

    soy yo's wife!

  2. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Good word Arthur.

    Here are my verbatim notes for my message I am working on for Sunday from John 1 & Deut. 18.

    Demonic Activity begins with refusal to recognize the good hand of God's Providence. Eve, Jesus (temptation) Pharaoh came to power that did not know Joseph. See Gen 41:37-39 Noting how this Pharaoh recognized the blessing on his nation because of Joseph's God

    As soon as you get your sights off God and His goodness, His bountiful grace, and provision, it opens the floodgate for every possible wickedness and debauchery.

    God is not good and His plan is not fair.
    Read Exodus 1 and see how this leads to envy, then to abortion of male babies.

  3. Amen to that Joe, how easy it is to take our eyes off Him.

  4. Hi Soy Yo's wife,

    God told Eve that from her seed the serpent's head would be crushed, and in His victory on the cross, Christ defeated Satan and redeemed His people His ultimate defeat is sealed, and his fate is the wrath of God.
