Sunday, June 10, 2007

Sacré bleu! (Part deux!)

Not only have the French elected a conservative, pro-American president, it appears they are poised for a major conservative landslide in the parliament.

PARIS (Reuters) - French conservatives were headed for a parliamentary landslide after a first round legislative election on Sunday, bolstering President Nicolas Sarkozy's plans to implement wide-ranging reforms.

A jubilant right said voters had decided to give Sarkozy the tools to carry out his pledge to boost growth, cut taxes and slash unemployment, but the left and centrists said a crushing right-wing majority was unhealthy and threatened democracy.

Zee world iz going crazee! At least the leftist are consistent, in America and overseas, a conservative win means the end of the world and democracy. It is funny how conservatives winning a democratic vote always seems to mean the end of democracy. Irony alert!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Wow, lol... all the old motifs around France might have to dissappear if this keeps
