Friday, April 20, 2007

Jon Modene, at it again!

Ever now and again I check out Sermon Audio to see the latest incoherent anti-Calvinist rants from Jon Modene of Maumee Valley Bible Baptist Church. Ever since the infamous duo of sermons, one calling R.C. Sproul a heretic and the other an attack on Reformed Baptist that made you wonder if he had the faintest idea what makes one "Reformed", his sermons are "must listens". Now he has rolled out a sermon on the heresy of Lordship Salvation. Read his blurb....

The Reformed faith demands that all Christians have 'saving faith'.

The Reformed hermeneutic demands that saving faith produces Lordship Salvation. Lordship Salvation? It never produces 'Carnal Christians'. It instead produces 'Persevering Saints' (who are, sadly and ironically never assured of their own salvation).

Remove 'Lordship Salvation' and the chain is broken.

The Apostle Paul knew something about carnal Christians. And he knew about the power of the Law - not to save but to help bring us to Christ.

Anabaptists know that they can't 'Make Jesus Christ Lord' of anything. He is already Lord and Creator and Sustainer of everything.

I am only a few minutes into listening to this "sermon" but he has already demonstrated an utter lack of understanding of the Lordship position. Now well-meaning Christian brothers have disagreements over this issue, but at least both sides usually understand each other. It is both amusing and instructive to listen to "sermons" like this as they demonstrate the caricature that those who are both not Reformed and uninformed about Reformed theology create about those of us that are and do.

Note that Jon Modene has been challenged from Scripture by a number of individuals across the blogosphere, and his few attempts at response quickly sputtered out and he went silent. He has pretty strong convictions when no one calls him on his claims!

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