Friday, November 12, 2004

A muderer goes to his reward...

With the death of Yasser Arafat, the "civilized" world is tripping over itself in offering condolences, the same condolences they withheld from the Israeli victims of his murderous machinations. I came across a good summation of his life on National Review, and it is even more bloody than I thought.

Arafat's death could lead to a renewed effort at peace in the Middle East but I doubt that will happen. No doubt the PLO will pick a new leader who mirrors Arafat and the bloodshed will continue.

One side note as I read the NR article, and it came at ths point...

In the resulting battle, the Palestinians killed all nine Israeli athletes by grenade and gunfire, as well as murdering a German policeman. Five of the terrorists were killed in the struggle, but German authorities managed to capture the remaining three. True to form, Arafat's organization responded the following month by hijacking a Lufthansa jet and taking the passengers hostage. The Germans capitulated, releasing the killers.

What happened to the Germans? They used to be the most feared military might in Europe, maybe the world outside of the U.S. and today they are nearly as emasculated as the French. Granted, we don't want a militaristic Germany to deal with anymore but it is amazing how a power like Germany can slip in obscurity and weakness so quickly...

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