Wednesday, September 01, 2004

This is funny stuff...

In a report on, Democrats are denying major campaign shakeups are in the works for Joh Kerry's campaign. After getting no "bounce" from his convention, slipping poll numbers and an inability to counter the Swift Boat Vet's ads, some are calling for a shake-up. Of course, Terry McAuliffe and company are denying this. I found this comment hillarious...

Iowa Gov. Tom Vilsack... said the president cannot run on his record because it's a turnoff for swing voters."Let me tell you something, you've got two options when you run for re-election," Vilsack said. "It's very simple. You can either talk about your record .... or you can tear the other guy down."

Uh Tom, check my math but it is BUSH who is running ON his record and KERRY who is running FROM his record. "Senate voting record? What Senate voting record?" Kerry has no platform other than "Bush is bad and I ain't Bush". President Bush is running his campaign based on the achievements of the past four years and his plan for the future. Kerry's plan? Ask Europe for permission and not be Bush. No wonder even hardcore liberals are voting against Bush, not for Kerry.

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