Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Jonah Goldberg of National Review has a scathing critique of both Dan Rather and Big Media in general regarding the fraudulent memo's regarding Bush's service record.

These are a few of my favorite lines from Goldberg...

Anyway, let me make one directly partisan point while I'm at it. Dan Rather considers it outrageous and offensive that anyone would question the judgment that led to this situation. He defends what appear to be very shoddy methods (reading letters over the phone to sources, asking sources not to talk to the press, etc.), as if only a "partisan" or a fool would question them.
Well, if you agree with Rather, maybe you should give just a smidgen more slack to George W. Bush about the failure to find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Bush's sources were more solid by several orders of magnitude than Rather's, and yet it is "obvious" to so many that Bush lied while Rather deserves the benefit of the doubt. George W. Bush had the head of the CIA, the intelligence agencies of all our allies, the Clinton administration, the United Nations, and most of the establishment media generally backing his understanding of the threat from Iraq. Dan Rather had a couple shoddy Xeroxes — not all of which were examined thoroughly or at all. He interviewed a partisan — Ben Barnes — a huge backer of Kerry whose story has changed several times. But because many who hate Bush believe he lied, they are willing to believe any lies that confirm what they already know to be true.

That puts it pretty succintly. I have said over and over again what a hypocritical party the Democrats are. Bush serving in the National Guard rather than going to Vietnam disqualifies him as Commander-in-Chief but Clinton dodging the draft entirely was irrelevant. MoveOn.org's ads are perfetcly legal, nay wonderous expressions of our First Amendment rights but the Swift Boat Veteran ads are deceitful and shold be silenced. What Rather is outraged about is that anyone would dare question him, as he thinks we are still in a world with three equally biased news stations that provide all of the news the public gets. Surprise Gunga Dan, we no longer rely on CBS/ABC/NBC, in fact I and many others never watch the network news channels. Rather is a relic, a dinosaur of an age gone by and he isn't smart enough or man enough to realize it.

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